App Store Connect

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App Store Connect is a suite of tools for submitting and managing your apps and in-app purchases on the App Store.

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In-App Purchase Product ID Not Retrieved by Apple Review Team
Hi everyone, I’m encountering an issue with the in-app purchase functionality in my app during the Apple app review process, and I could use some assistance. Problem Description: I’ve implemented an in-app purchase feature for the first time in my app, offering lifetime access for 300 euros. The product is created as a non-consumable type in the Apple App Store. The purchase flow works perfectly in various environments: simulator, real device, TestFlight, and sandbox accounts. However, when the Apple app review team tests the app, they encounter an error retrieving the product ID for the in-app purchase. This issue specifically occurred on an iPhone 13 Mini running iOS 17.5. Steps to Reproduce: Implemented the in-app purchase feature. Created a non-consumable product in App Store Connect. Tested the purchase flow on: Simulator Real device TestFlight Sandbox accounts Submitted the app for review. Environment: Xcode version: 14.0 iOS version: 17.5 macOS version: Ventura 13.3 Device: iPhone 13 Mini (used by review team) What I've Tried: Verified product ID and its status in App Store Connect. I'd like to assure you that the in-app purchase feature is correctly configured in the app and App Store Connect. Tested on different devices and environments: Sandbox account TestFlight account Real devices Checked all provisioning profiles and certificates. Additional Information: Despite successfully testing in all other environments, the issue persists during the Apple app review. I've submitted the binary 3 to 4 times, but the problem remains unresolved. Apple’s provided steps for configuring in-app purchases have been followed meticulously. Has anyone else faced a similar issue, or does anyone have insights on what might be causing this discrepancy during the review process? Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance for your help!
Individual to Company or Transfer Apps ?
Hello, What option is better ? Convert Individual account to Organization account, or Create a new Organization account and transfer some Apps to it ? For what I have read, there may be Pros and Cons, I have seen posts of people mentioning that converting from Individual to Organization takes several weeks, while others have claimed that the Seller name remains the same even after the conversion. Would like to hear experiences in one or both options. Thanks!
Apply already increased price to existing subscribers as well
Hi, We have recently implemented a price increase for one of our products, which is now in effect. Please note that the old price will continue to apply for existing subscribers. However, we have now made the decision to apply this increased price to existing subscribers as well. Unfortunately, the option of "plan subscription price change" does not accommodate this update. Could help on how to do? Thanks and regards, Fred
Apply increased price to existing subscribers
Hi, We previously scheduled a price change (which did NOT affect existing subscribers) however months later, we have now made a decision to apply the increase to all subscribers. As the price has not increased, I only see the option to preserve and isn't obvious if this has any effect on those grandfathered in the lower price. Can anyone confirm or must I increase the price again?
Storing AppStoreConnect ApiKey to keychain failing
I am running Xcode 15.3. I have downloaded an app ApiKey that I am attempting to store in my keychain. I have an M3 Mac and running Sonoma 14.4.1. From the command line I run xcrun notarytool store-credentials which prompts me to enter Profile name, Path to App Store Connect API private key, App Store Connect API Key ID, and App Store Connect API Issuer ID. I provide this info and only get the following: Validating your credentials... zsh: trace trap xcrun notarytool store-credentials I am stuck here and need to resolve this. Any suggestions?
Why is it not possible to provide a free trial for paid apps?
My application uses "paid" monetization model. I think in the productivity category it works quite well. However, when I advertise my application, 50% of the questions are: "is there a free trial?" and I would love to provide a free trial to potential customers, but the App Store doesn't allow me to do that. I don't understand why this feature is not available. I even started considering migration to in-app purchases, but it's quite a big deal. I managed to establish quite a good profit and I'm worried how it would affect my positioning and results. On top of that, I really like the paid up-front model, because it solves many issues and doesn't need any extra implementation on my side. I'm starting this thread to hear what you think about that and how many people are looking for this feature. I also created a feature request in Feedback Assistant: #FB13810170
Cannot add first IAP to app submission
We have been pursuing an issue with Apple Support but so far have not been able to get the advisors to understand our issue, so I am posting here in the hope that someone has a solution. We are working on a new app that has IAP. Our first submission failed app review. After making changes to the app to address Apple's concerns, we submitted a new app build but we could not include the IAP because the "In-App Purchases and Subscriptions" section was missing from "Prepare for Submission." The app reviewer flagged the build as incomplete because of the missing IAP. If we go to submit another build, that section is still missing from the UI. Is it expected that the "In-App Purchases and Subscriptions" section would be omitted even though the app has never passed review? Since we are required to submit our first IAP along with an app submission, this seems like a bug in the App Store Connect interface.
Do personal accounts support teams? Are there restrictions?
I'm assisting a customer with an iOS app. He has a personal (non-company) Apple Developer account. I know that this kind of account didn't used to support collaborators, but I'm not sure what the current status is. He was able to add me to his account and give me permissions (Developer, App Manager). However when I run Xcode, his account does not appear in the list of Teams under my Apple ID, which is preventing me from working. Is this a bug or temporary problem or is the fact that his account is a personal account preventing me from doing this?
Internal Apple Developer team member does not appear in TestFlight. (User is in limbo)
I have a team member who was deleted. I tried to re-add that team member immediately after deletion but that failed. However, portal still recognizes that user as a member of the team. This results in the following behavior. When trying to re-add the user to the team, I get a message saying they are already on the team. No new invite can be sent because I can't complete the add-user operation. In TestFlight, I do not see this user on the list/roster of possible internal testers. Has anyone seen this behavior before and if so, how did you fix it?
App Store Connect Reject as the app create for specify login business
Guideline 3.2 - Business We found in our review that your app is intended to be used by a specific business or organization, including partners, clients, or employees, but you've selected public distribution on the App Store in App Store Connect. Since the App Store is intended for apps with a public audience, we recommend reviewing the other distribution options available to you through your Apple Developer Program Account. App Store Connect Reject as the our app create for specify business, including partners, clients and they recommend us to distibute app as unlisted app I found many apps that have the same business model like ours, can be public on app store. anyway for us was rejected from app store. Do you have idea on this? Thank you!
Cannot upload new iOS build to the TestFlight using distribution provision profile for Individual account
I faced thta issue 2 days ago and today. The distribution certificat is installed in thekeychain and provision profiles gives no error when I'mm builing the arhive. But when I select App Store Connect as distribution. method it gives me an error that "App Store Connect access for ___ is required. What is the reason of that? Did someone face the same issue recently? Restart XCode and laptop did not help. I used to distribute the builds for individual account this way many times, but. now smth seems. to be changed or broken.
Transporter 1.3 Error
Upon attempting to load an .ipa file from our build system into Apple Transporter 1.3 (newly updated this week from 1.2.5), the following error was presented. This occurs when selecting the file to load (or drag/drop the .ipa file onto the app). Never seen this before and it is unclear what the issue is (and why it might persist for 24 hours) or why it mentioned macOS App. This is an iOS/iPad app (not a macOS app) but the iPad app can be installed on a Mac as many iPad apps can. I had another Mac with the 1.2.5 version of Transporter and the same file was loaded (and then uploaded to the App Store) without a hitch. Does anyone have any idea or has seen something similar?
I can't delete my app due to subscription is in review that already was removed
Hello, I can't delete my app because my subscription group was in 'Waiting for Review' status. Then I deleted subscriptions and all subscription groups. The steps I followed: Submitted app to the review (new app) App Store Team Rejected I decided to make changes in the app Submitted new build for the review App was in the status "Waiting for the review" I decided to don't publish my app Removed Subscription groups and removed app from the sale Tried to delete the app Now I can't delete the app. Is there way to delete this app? I don't like having an app that isn't published to App Store. In other words, I don't want to see this app in the App Store Connect
Re-enabling cancelled subscription before the expiry date
My app has a single subscription group called Premium that contains two products with different billing periods - monthly and yearly. All tests are made in Apples's Sandbox environment with sandbox user. I am currently testing a scenario, where the user is subscribed to the monthly product, subsequently cancels the subscription from the App Store subscriptions page, and before the subscription expires, he wants to re-enable it (same monthly product). If the subscription is re-enabled from the App Store subscriptions page, my server gets a notification about the changed subscription renewal status and everything works well. This scenario is documented at the bottom of the page here: I however also want to support the scenario where the user can re-enable the subscription before it expires from the app itself. To do so, if the subscription is cancelled, but not yet expired, I show the user a button Re-activate. When this button is clicked, I initiate a purchase of the same monthly product, the IAP correctly shows the payment sheet and once I click Subscribe in the In App Purchase payment sheet, it goes through without any issues. However, my app subsequently receives a callback that the purchase failed: <SKPaymentQueue: 0x280f1fa10>: Payment completed with error: Error Domain=ASDErrorDomain Code=500 "Unhandled exception" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x2803a4720 {Error Domain=AMSErrorDomain Code=301 "Invalid Status Code" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Invalid Status Code, AMSURL=, AMSStatusCode=500, NSLocalizedFailureReason=The response has an invalid status code}}, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An unknown error occurred, NSLocalizedDescription=Unhandled exception} This seems like the purchase failed with invalid status, but strangely enough, my server receives a notification that the subscription renewal status was changed to AUTO_RENEW_ENABLED and if I check the App Store subscriptions, I can see that its not cancelled anymore. The subscription also gets renewed at the end of the billing period, where it would have otherwise been cancelled. So in other words, everything seems to work except the purchase error above. My question is, what could be the reason for this? Perhaps Apple does not support re-enabling subscription directly from the App, but only from the App Store subscription page? Or perhaps its just a limitation of Apple's sandbox environment and I would not receive this payment error in production environment?
Problem with adding bank account to meet the Paid Apps Agreement
Hi, I have a problem with adding a bank account to meet the conditions of the Paid Apps Agreement in App Store Connect. I have tried several times, and each time my account status is "verifying" and then changes back to "pending user info." I don't receive any explanation via email as to why this is happening; I only see these yellow messages that are very vague and don't explain much. I don't know exactly what is wrong and why it is not passing the verification. I have tried adding both a scan of my passport and my ID card, but nothing works. Has anyone had a similar situation? (I'm from Poland)
Error: Product ID already in use
Hi everyone, I created an IAP When I filled a the information in the require database, my internet was broken. When the internet in working normally, I create it again (I didn't save it before I lost my internet) The system reported an error "The Product ID you entered is already being used by another in-app purchase associated with this app." Question: Why can't I reuse a Product ID that I haven't saved before? Please reply to me soon, Thank you so much
New iPad 13" screenshots with App Store Connect API
The App Store Connect API documentation still doesn't list the new 13" iPad display type: When adding screenshots to 13" iPads on the website, they still seem to use the display type APP_IPAD_PRO_3GEN_129 when listed by the API, and uploading to that same type uploads them to the 13" display type instead, but then there is the requirement that one still has to upload screenshots for 12.9" display type, without an apparent way of doing so. I would expect to have an option to upload to 13" display type that is also used for 12.9" display type. Do we have to wait for Apple to update the documentation or does someone know a workaround?